Tag Archives: Thames

The University of London Boat Club & its Chiswick Boat House

7.30pm, Monday 18 March 2013, at Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, London W4 Siobhan Cassidy has begun researching the history of the ULBC and its boathouse in Hartington Road, Chiswick. Her illustrated talk revealed her “work in progress” and included national and Olympic strip and medals from club members. Some members of the audience surprised […]

Kew in 1830: a view from the Thames

19 November 2012, 7.30pm, at The Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, W4 David Blomfield’s illustrated talk explores our neighbouring parish of Kew, as seen in Leigh’s Panorama. He is Chairman of the Richmond Local History Society and author of Kew Past and Story of Kew

The impact of Thornycrofts ship-yard on Chiswick

17 September 2012, 7.30pm at The Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, W4 In this illustrated talk James Wisdom will show how the Thornycrofts’ substantial ship-building business affected the economy and community in Chiswick, from the 1860s to the early 1900s

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