The 1958 Constitution

1 Name

The Society shall be called the Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society

2 Objects

The objects are to stimulate interest in the history of the area by original research and fieldwork, by visits to places of interest, by the holding of meetings, by publication and by other means

3 Membership

Membership of the Society shall be open to any interested person who has attained the age of twelve years. Members shall be required to pay such annual subscription as shall from time to time be determined by the Annual General Meetings. Subscriptions shall be payable annually on 1 January.

4 Committee

The management of the Society and the preparation of its programme shall be in the hands of a committee consisting of four annually elected members, plus the officers and the Chief Librarian or his/her representative. Four persons shall constitute a quorum. A President may be appointed at an Annual General Meeting who may be an ex officio member of the Committee.

5 Officers

A Chairman, Vice-Chairman, one or more Honorary Secretaries, an Honorary Treasurer and a Membership Secretary shall be elected annually from the committee.

6 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

There shall be a general meeting annually in May, for the presentation of reports by the officers, for the election of committee members and auditors for the ensuring year and for the discussion of any business relating to the conduct of the Society. At least three weeks’ notice of the AGM shall be given to members in writing.

7 Elections

Nominations of members willing to serve as honorary officers, committee members or auditors may be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary before the Annual meeting, or verbally at the meeting. A proposer and seconder will be required in each case. Voting shall be by show of hands, or by ballot should the Chairman so decide. Newly-elected officers and committee members shall assume office immediately after the Annual Meeting. Vacancies on the committee during the year shall be filled by co-option.

8 Special General Meetings

A special general meeting of the Society shall be called by the Hon Secretary as soon as possible after receipt of a request in writing, stating the object of the meeting and signed by no less than one fourth of the members. Members will be given no fewer than fourteen clear days’ notice of such a meeting.

9 Amendment of Constitution

Any amendment of or addition to this Constitution may be made at an Annual General Meeting if approved by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting. Notice of any such amendments or additions must be given in writing to the Secretary not less than fourteen clear days before the meeting.

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