The University of London Boat Club & its Chiswick Boat House

Grand Crew Photo 1968 (Wattie)

The 1968 Grand Winning Crew, selected to go to that year’s Mexico Games

7.30pm, Monday 18 March 2013, at Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, London W4

Siobhan Cassidy has begun researching the history of the ULBC and its boathouse in Hartington Road, Chiswick. Her illustrated talk revealed her “work in progress” and included national and Olympic strip and medals from club members.

Some members of the audience surprised Siobhan by being able to identify rowers in old photographs of the women’s team and offering their own reminiscences. She now has plenty to follow up to help tell the story of the Club!

Boathouse 1950 ish copy

The Hartington Road boathouse, 1950s

There is more to discover and Siobhan will welcome additional information, mementoes and souvenirs, old photographs and memories as they could play an important part in helping put the history together. Anyone who can help should contact the society by email at – we look forward to hearing from you.

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