Author Archives: James

Life Afloat – Houseboat Residents on the Thames

7.30pm, Monday 20 March 2017, at the Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, Chiswick, London W4 Adrian Evans LVO, of the Thames Festival Trust, presents his film on the history of living on houseboats and introduces his current oral history project on boatyards from Chiswick to Teddington. View the film on line

Consultation on the future of Gunnersbury Park Museum

Society members may be interested to see proposals for the future of Gunnersbury Park Museum. There is an exhibition of panels which outline the proposals. These can be seen in the Park (near the cafe) and in the Museum or here. The slideshow given by the Project Team on Saturday 23 November can be seen […]

J M W Turner and Twickenham

Monday, 18 October 2010, 7.30 pm at Chiswick Memorial Club An illustrated talk by Catherine Parry-Wingfield, founder-chairman of the Friends of Turner’s House, describing Turner’s interest in Thames scenery in our area, and Sandycombe Lodge in Twickenham, which he designed and built in 1812 as a country retreat.

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