Tag Archives: Chiswick

The Chaloner Monument: Commemoration & Society in Post-Reformation England

Thursday 17 February 2011, 7 pm A lecture by Dr Nigel Llewellyn at St Nicholas Church, Chiswick, organised by the Friends of the church, tickets cost £5.00 on the door, free to Friends The monument in St Nicholas Church commemorates Sir Thomas Chaloner (d 1615) and his wife and is one of West London’s most […]

Lesley Blanch and the Run-Away Game

Monday 17 January, 7.30pm at the Chiswick Memorial Club Anne Boston, author of Lesley Blanch: Inner Landscapes, Wilder Shores, traces the romantic traveller and writer’s early life in Chiswick and Richmond. The paperback, to be launched in January 2011, will be on sale at the meeting.

Hogarth’s House: Refurbishment, re-opening and the future

Monday, 20 September 2010, 7.30 pm at the Chiswick Memorial Club The first lecture of the Autumn programme is a talk by John Collins, Hogarth’s House Outreach Officer, on how links with the community will be developed and provide a new experience for visitors to Hogarth’s House.

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