Category Archives: West London Conference

Souvenir booklet

Our apologies, there seems to have been an error in the link to the souvenir in our last message. Download the souvenir here

Souvenir of 40 years of the West London Local History Conference

Following a hugely successful on-line conference held on 28 November, it is a pleasure to make available the souvenir which has been prepared to mark the 40th anniversary. We are fortunate that those who have helped run the conference have retained an archive of publicity materials whch have made this possible. Elegantly designed by Toni […]

40th West London Conference, on line 28 November 2020

As one of the 10 sponsoring societies, the Society is pleased to confirm that a virtual conference will be taking place on 28 November. We lost our chance of this annual get-together in March because of the pandemic but all of the themes we planned to cover will be included in this -line event. The […]

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