1st C AD Roman roads built through Chiswick
1016 King Edmund of England pursues the Danes led by Canute across the Thames near Kew Bridge
1181 Chiswick parish church first recorded
1396 King Richard II builds a royal residence at Little Sutton
1416-35 Tower of parish church built
1441-3 Henry VI issues state papers from Chiswick
1570 Westminster School takes over the Manor House on Chiswick Mall (builds College House as an extension to the school in 1649)
1642 Civil War `Battle’ of Turnham Green
1682 1st Earl of Burlington buys Jacobean Chiswick House
1682-4 Sir Stephen Fox builds mansion later known as Moreton Hall in Burlington Lane
1698 Abortive plot to assassinate King William III in Turnham Green Lane (now Wellesley Road)
1701 Brewery (later called Griffin Brewery) established. Became Fuller, Smith & Turner in 1845
1707 Charity school built on south side of St Nicholas Church
1725 Workhouse built in Turnham Green (closed 1839)
1725-9 3rd Earl of Burlington builds Palladian Chiswick House
1749 William Hogarth buys his `little country box’ in Hogarth Lane
1753 3rd Earl of Burlington dies; the two Chiswick Houses become the property of the Dukes of Devonshire
1759 First (wooden) Kew Bridge erected
1764 William Hogarth dies and is buried in St Nicholas churchyard
1788 Jacobean Chiswick House demolished; wings added to the Palladian villa (wings taken down 1952)
1789 Second (stone) Kew Bridge replaces first
1790 John Sich leases the Lamb Brewery (sold to Isleworth Brewery in 1920)
1812 6th Duke of Devonshire buys Moreton Hall, demolishes the house and builds conservatory and Italian Garden on its grounds
1822 Horticultural Society establishes gardens in Chiswick (relocated to Wisley in 1904)
1841 Chiswick High Road lit by gas
1843 Christ Church built on Turnham Green
1848 St Mary Magdalene Church built (demolished 1950s)
1849 Chiswick Station built on London and South Western railway line to Waterloo
1854 Militia Barracks set up on Turnham Green (closed 1878)
1857 Hammersmith and Chiswick Station opens on branch line of NSWJR line from Chiswick to Acton Gatehouse Junction (where Ravensmede Way is today)
1858 Chiswick Improvement Commissioners formed to take over many responsibilities from Parish Council.
1861 Frederick Walton invents Linoleum in British Grove, Chiswick
1864 Thornycroft & Co open works at Church Wharf (relocated to Southampton in 1909)
1865 First Chiswick police station opens
1869 Turnham Green Station opens, Gunnersbury Station built, Strand-on-the-Green railway bridge built
1871 Building starts on the Glebe Estate, building starts on Grove Park Estate
1872 St Paul’s, Grove Park built
1874 Strand-on-the-Green schools move to present site
1875 Jonathan Carr buys land and begins to build Bedford Park
1876 St Michael’s Church, Bedford Park opens, Vestry Hall completed (enlarged in 1900 as Chiswick Town Hall), Vincent van Gogh accepted as a co-worker in Chiswick Congregational Church
1879 Sanderson & Co establish wallpaper factory in Chiswick, Chiswick Park Station opened, Sewage Works established at Corney Reach
1882-4 St Nicholas Church, Church Street rebuilt
1883 Chiswick Local Board formed
1884 Hogarth Schools opens
1886 Our Lady of Grace and St Edward built (consecrated 1904), St Mary’s Church, Stamford Brook built (closed 1984)
1887 St Alban’s Church opens, Chiswick Park Station built (rebuilt in 1932), St James’s Church Gunnersbury consecrated (closed 1986)
1890 Public Library established (moved to present site in 1898)
1891 Purpose-built fire station opens, purpose-built police station built at 210 Chiswick High Road
1894 Chiswick Urban District Council replaces Chiswick Local Board
1895 1st edition of Chiswick Times (later Brentford, Chiswick & Isleworth Times) published
1896 St Mary’s Convent in Burlington Lane built
1897 Camille Pissarro paints seven pictures of the area
1899 Acton and Chiswick Polytechnic opened in former Chiswick School of Art (renamed the Chiswick Polytechnic in 1928)
1899-1901 Power House built as generating station for the London United Tramways Company
1901 London’s electric trams inaugurated in Chiswick, All Saint’s Church, Beverley Road consecrated (closed 1922)
1902 Lt Col Shipway buys Hogarth House (opens it as a museum in 1904)
1903 3rd Kew Bridge opened
1905 Belmont School opens
1906 Cherry Blossom Boot Polish launched in Chiswick
1909 St Michael’s Church, Elmwood Road opens
1911 Chiswick gets a Cottage Hospital (moves to Chiswick Mall in 1912; new building 1936)
1912 Chiswick Empire opens (closed in 1959), Stamford Brook Station opens
1916 Chiswick County School for Girls opens (now Chiswick Community School)
1922 War Memorial Homes for ex-servicemen opened in Burlington Lane, War Memorial erected on Turnham Green
1923 Chiswick Urban District Council buys Dukes Meadows
1924 Q Theatre opened (closed 1956)
1925 Completion of the Great West Road from Chiswick Roundabout to Bedfont
1926 Chiswick County School for Boys opens
1927 Brentford and Chiswick Urban District Council formed
1928 Grove House demolished
1932 Brentford and Chiswick Urban District Council becomes a municipal borough
1933 Chiswick New Cemetery consecrated, Chiswick Bridge opens to take the new Great Chertsey Road (now the A316) across the Thames
1939 Chiswick High Road lit by electricity
1944 V2 rocket explodes in Staveley road
1945 Field Marshall Lord Montgomery receives the Freedom of the Borough of Brentford and Chiswick
1955-6 Completion of A4 and Hogarth Roundabout
1959 Chiswick Flyover and Chiswick Roundabout completed
1964 A4 linked to M4
1965 Chiswick becomes part of the London Borough of Hounslow
1969 Hogarth Flyover put up as a temporary measure
1974 Goodbans department store closes (opened by 1909)
1987 Gunnersbury Triangle designated a nature reserve
1988 Chiswick Methodist Church built (replacing an earlier church)
1993 Dukes Hollow designated a nature reserve, Chiswick Eyot designated a nature reserve
1997 Chiswick Pier opens
1998 Russian Orthodox Cathedral opens.