The Birth of a Parish: The Creation of St Michael and All Angels, Bedford Park

by Michael Broom, published by the church, 2000, £9.95

St Michael and all Angels is the attractive church in Bedford Park.This book is a history of the church from its founding as a tin temporary chapel of ease to St Nicholas, Chiswick in 1876, through the building of the current church (designed by Richard Norman Shaw in 1878), to 1905 when the first Vicar died. From the beginning the church was part of the Anglo-Catholic movement, the ‘ritualistic’ movement in the Church of England, and this aroused much controversy over ‘Popery’ in its first years. This is well dealt with as part of the history. The book is nicely produced with some well-chosen illustrations.

Peter Hammond

Brentford and Chiswick Local History Journal 10 (2001)

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