The Trafalgar Plaques

On 1 September 2009 the Mayor of Hounslow, Councillor Paul Lynch hosted the unveiling of two plaques on the wall of the Express Tavern at Kew Bridge.

One commemorates the route taken by Lt John Lapenotiere from Falmouth to London, bringing the news of  the British Fleet’s victory at Cape Trafalgar in October 1805 and the death of Admiral Lord Nelson.  The second plaque lists the 19 men, two from Chiswick and the rest from Brentford, who fought in the Battle and the ships in which they served.

The unveiling was performed by Admiral the Lord Boyce, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and formerly First Sea Lord.  He is Patron of the Trafalgar Way Trust which administers the route from Falmouth to the Admiralty and aims to install plaques to mark the route every 3 or 4 miles.

The Brentford and Chiswick plaque was partly financed by donations from members of this Society. At the event our Journal Editor, Carolyn Hammond, was able to show her great -great-grandfather’s Trafalgar medal to Lord Boyce – William Hicks was 17 in 1805 and was serving as a midshipman on HMS Conqueror.

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