Brentford and Chiswick Local History Journal 7 (1998)
Tom Greeves, co-founder of the Bedford Park Society, died in August 1997. He will be remembered locally as the man who campaigned tirelessly to gain listed building status for the houses of Bedford Park and as the author of many books and articles on Bedford Park.
Tom Greeves was also a talented artist, and a collection of his drawings, entitled Ruined Cities of the Imagination, was published in 1994. The drawings show in Piranesi-like detail imaginary townscapes fallen into picturesque decay. There are touches of ‘Greevesian’ humour such as a tourist bus bringing visitors to gaze on the mighty ruins, or a series of hoists and pulleys for squatters who have set up home on top of a crumbling tower. A copy of the book has been acquired by Chiswick Library and can be seen in the Local Studies Room.