Category Archives: Thomas Layton

10,000 Years of Brentford, Jon Cotton, 15 November 2021

10,000 Years of Brentford: the early history of a riverside town an online talk at 7.30pm on 15 November In this illustrated talk Jon Cotton will set the current excavations in the town into the wider context of decades of local archaeology. Jon is a freelance archaeological researcher who has undertaken excavations in Brentford in […]

The Havering Hoard, talk by Kate Sumnall, 20 July 2021

The Havering Hoard – a gift to the gods or a forgotten metal worker’s store? An online talk by Kate Sumnall, 6.30pm, 20 July 2021 Free tickets available at Ticketsource The Havering Hoard is the largest ever Bronze Age hoard to be discovered in London and can be seen in an exhibition at the Museum […]

Layton’s Legacy: 100 Years on

17 October 2011, 7.30pm, at the Chiswick Memorial Club Jon Cotton, formerly of the Museum of London, presents an illustrated talk about Thomas Layton (1819-1911) and some other antiquarian collectors of his time. This talk marks the centenary of the bequest of Layton’s collection of antiquities, books, maps. Most of the artefacts are in the […]

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