The Historians of Brentford & Chiswick , 15 April 7.30pm

The Historians of Brentford & Chiswick
Monday 15 April 7.30pm

In this talk James Wisdom will be introducing some of the authors who have researched and written the history of our area since the 17th century. Amongst them were some remarkable characters. They range from Georgian gentlemen antiquarians, Victorian and later politicians, and journalists, to early 20th century librarians and today’s recent researchers and writers. The influence of their writings can be found in the way we think about Brentford and Chiswick today.

This will be an in-person event at the Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, W4, and it will also be offered via Zoom.

There is no charge to join the audience but if you want to take part on-line, please reserve your place via Ticket Tailor at:

Your ticket will provide the Zoom joining details.

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