The Chiswick walled gardens of Sir Stephen Fox & 1st Earl of Wilmington, 19 February 2024

Neighbours of the more famous Lord Burlington: the gardens of Sir Stephen Fox (1627-1716) & Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington (1674-1743)
7.30pm, Monday 19 February 2024

While Lord Burlington’s Chiswick gardens are amongst the most famous in the country what do we know of the gardens next door which were later acquired, adapted and incorporated into the present estate? Much new information that has recently come to light in the archives at Chatsworth and elsewhere will be revealed by Dr Sally Jeffery, architectural and garden historian, in this illustrated talk.

This will be an in-person event at the Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, W4, and it will also be offered via Zoom.

There is no charge to join this event but if you want to take part on-line, please reserve a place via Ticket Tailor at: – your ticket will provide the Zoom joining details.

Please note that copies of David Jacques’ history of the gardens at Chiswick House will be on sale at our special price of £30 at the meeting – bring your pocket money to buy it in person (we don’t yet have a card reader!) or buy via Paypal on our website online

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