Gifts & Bequests in Local Wills in the 18th Century, 7.30pm, 18 December 2023

Miniatures of Joshua Kirby & his daughter Sarah Trimmer

An illustrated talk for the time of year when people are thinking about gifts and presents. Many Georgian residents of Brentford and Chiswick bequeathed mementoes to their family and friends. For this talk, Val Bott has been studying their wills which reveal the richness of their possessions in their bequests to family, friends, servants and business partners, which are often listed in some detail. These ranged from mourning rings through silver table ware, snuff boxes, tankards and candlesticks, miniatures and pocket watches, to furniture and clothing. Some can even be traced through more than one generation.

This will be an in-person event at the Chiswick Memorial Club, Bourne Place, W4, and it will also be offered via Zoom. There is no charge to join this event but if you want to join on-line, please reserve your place via Ticket Tailor at:

Your ticket will provide the Zoom joining details.

A modest donation from visitors (non-members) is always welcome

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