The Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society is absolutely delighted that one of its members, Wesley Henderson-Roe, has won a national award for his article, Chiswick High Road – a retail revelation, which we published in Journal 30 (2021). Wesley was surprised and delighted by the news – it is a tremendous achievement.
The article compares two surveys of Chiswick High Road – one in 1936 and one in 2020. Wesley shows how shopping has changed in the 84 years and what this means for such an essential part of Chiswick’s life.
The award was made by The British Association for Local History (BALH) and announced at their recent Local History Day. Wesley’s article was selected from more than 300 articles from all over the UK, published in the local history society journals and transactions sent to the BALH’s magazine, The Local Historian, during 2021. It is one of their Research and Publication Awards.
Wesley grew up in Chiswick and has come to local history research after a career in teaching and the theatre; he was Head of the famous local Corona Stage School for a time. The article was inspired by his father William Roe, the Society’s Vice-Chairman for many years. William went to work as office junior for Tyser Greenwood at the age of 14 in 1934; after his death, Wesley found amongst his papers the 1936 survey of shops on Chiswick High Road and used it as a base for his own survey in 2020.
James Wisdom, the B&CLHS Chairman, commented, “The Society is very proud of our Journal and of the local historians who contribute its rich content. We are very pleased indeed for Wesley and delighted to have been able to publish this award-winning article. Even more, we are thrilled to have had Awards for articles in two successive Journals.”
Copies of Journal 30 can be purchased online on the bookshop page