Annual General Meeting 20 May 2019

7.30pm, Monday 20 May 2019,
at the Chiswick Memorial Club,
Bourne Place, London W4 2EL

Following the business meeting there will be short talks by 3 members. Janet McNamara will share details from the diary of a Brentford girl shortly before World War I, Christabel Ames-Lewis will present reminiscences of Marion Wenbourne (1917-2018) who came with her family to Chiswick in 1925, worked for Cherry Blossom and stayed to a ripe old age, and Val Bott will give a short talk on the fields which became Harvard Hill Park.

The new Brentford & Chiswick Local History Journal 28 will be distributed to members on this evening; copies will be posted to those unable to attend.

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